We believe, very simply, that the Universe is fundamentally spiritual—it has intelligence, purpose, beauty and order. Whether we call it God, spirit, energy, or Universal Intelligence, every person, place and thing emanates from this spiritual universe. We believe this Universal Intelligence is within us, as well as around us, and that we are conscious of it. Our beliefs are in harmony with the basic tenets of all the world’s great religions.
We believe that God is a loving Infinite Intelligence, operating through and in all of life, never separate from anyone or anything. Through classes and study we come to understand our oneness with this indwelling Divine Presence. The way of life we teach and practice is learning how to live in accordance with spiritual principles. These principles, or metaphysical laws, are as reliable as the laws of physical science.
In the scientific aspect of Science of Mind®, we believe there is a body of knowledge about spiritual laws which operates in the Universe as Cause and Effect. We teach that "It is done unto you as you believe." Our thinking and our expectations create our reality. It is in studying and applying spiritual laws that we can change our unconscious beliefs and create improved conditions in our lives.